The Engelhard Project collaborates with many offices to support classroom connections and provide resources to support Georgetown students, faculty, and staff.
Below is a list of some of these campus resources:
“What the Engelhard Project has done is create a community of hope, a community of caring, a true community where the notion of caring for the whole person is truly being lived.”
Engelhard Safety Net Training
Georgetown University's Office of Student Outreach and Support maintains a robust “safety net" for students who experience complex, personal difficulty. Each semester, new Engelhard Faculty Fellows and/or Teaching Assistants are required to attend a campus “Safety Net Training,” which is offered through a collaboration with Student Affairs, CAPS, and Health Education Services. To learn about the next Safety Net Training, contact a member of the Project Team or email us at
Teaching Resources
The CNDLS website has many resources on how to teach to well-being in the classroom. Visit the Teaching Well-Being page to check out specific resources that you can bring to your teaching practice.