Campus Resources

The Engelhard Project collaborates with many offices to support classroom connections and provide resources to support Georgetown students, faculty, and staff.

Below is a list of some of these campus resources:

“What the Engelhard Project has done is create a community of hope, a community of caring, a true community where the notion of caring for the whole person is truly being lived.”

Patrick Kilcarr, Campus Resource Professional Fellow

Engelhard Safety Net Training

Georgetown University's Office of Student Outreach and Support maintains a robust “safety net" for students who experience complex, personal difficulty. Each semester, new Engelhard Faculty Fellows and/or Teaching Assistants are required to attend a campus “Safety Net Training,” which is offered through a collaboration with Student Affairs, CAPS, and Health Education Services. To learn about the next Safety Net Training, contact a member of the Project Team or email us at

TLISI 2020 Safety Net Webinar

Teaching Resources

The CNDLS website has many resources on how to teach to well-being in the classroom. Visit the Teaching Well-Being page to check out specific resources that you can bring to your teaching practice.

Fall 2020 Website/IC Website