Project Impact

What began as a curricular experiment has evolved into one of the hallmarks of a Georgetown undergraduate education, reaching thousands of students across campus. Since 2005, the Engelhard Project has offered over 500 courses taught by over 200 faculty members, for a combined enrollment of more than 19,200 students.

The Engelhard Project has forged strong connections among faculty, student affairs staff, and students, not only enriching the Georgetown experience but also engaging in national conversations about the role of well-being in higher education. The Project's work has been shared formally and informally through conversations across campus, in academic journal articles, at national higher education conferences, and with a presentation by President DeGioia at a 2013 White House Conference on mental health.

In addition to project publications and course profiles, the Engelhard Project's work has been captured and shared in many ways over the years, from articles in student newspapers to scholarly publications and case studies. Recently, the Engelhard Project was featured in Conversations on Jesuit Higher Education, in an article about how our curriculum infusion model helps support belonging, community, and relationships.

Project Publications

Bringing Theory to Practice

Case Study for Bringing Theory to Practice (2016): Bringing Theory to Practice (BTtoP) is an organization dedicated to to supporting and encouraging liberal education in linking the learning, civic development, and well-being of students. The organization was one of the original funders of the Engelhard Project, and the Project was featured as one of seven case studies on Student Learning, Civic Engagement and Well-Being. The rest of the case studies can be found here.