Engelhard Courses

Engelhard courses are the signature element of the Engelhard Project. Using a curriculum infusion approach, Georgetown faculty link academic course content to health and well-being topics through readings, presentations, discussions led by campus health professionals, and reflective writing assignments. In addition, fitting with Georgetown's commitment to social justice, some courses extend this work with involvement in local communities. The Project strives to create meaningful connections between faculty, students, and campus resource professionals and encourages the practice of one of Georgetown's most important Jesuit principles, cura personalis, or care of the person.

Submit an Engelhard Course Proposal

Each semester, faculty from about 40 undergraduate courses apply to participate as Engelhard Faculty Fellows and work to integrate a particular issue of well-being into their courses in partnership with staff across campus (in centers such as Counseling and Psychiatric Services, Health Education Services, the LGBTQ Resource Center, etc.). Faculty Fellows are encouraged to be creative in how they incorporate their health topic of choice into their Engelhard course. This means each Engelhard course is unique. For examples of Engelhard courses, check out our course profiles page.

Jen Schweer and Laura Kovach team teach students in their Women's and Gender Studies course.

Requirements of the Engelhard Faculty Fellowship:

All Georgetown faculty are eligible to participate in Engelhard courses. As an Engelhard Faculty Fellow, it is our understanding that, at a minimum, you will design a module related to student well-being to be integrated into your undergraduate course.

Our standard model for implementing an Engelhard module in a course should include:

  • a course-related reading;
  • a one-session in-class visit by a GU resource professional (such as staff from CAPS, Health Education Services, LGBTQ Center, Student Health Center, or Women’s Center) to discuss the topic; and
  • a written reflection by students based on a writing prompt provided by the project.

All Engelhard Faculty Fellows will be required to submit a course proposal form and a copy of their course syllabus.

If you would like to propose a variation from this standard approach to Engelhard courses, please feel free to suggest your change through the course proposal form and indicate how you hope to meet the goals of the project through an alternative approach.

Finally, Faculty Fellows are asked to assess the effects of curriculum infusion in their course. This includes:

  • collecting and sharing copies of your students’ written reflections with the Engelhard team (can be anonymous);
  • asking students to respond to a brief anonymous end-of-semester online survey administered by CNDLS;
  • either participating in a faculty group reflection meeting at the end of the semester to provide feedback on the fellowship experience OR submitting a one-page faculty reflection describing development of the curriculum infusion module, results of implementation, and your impression of your students’ experience.

Proposal Process

To apply, please complete our course proposal form. The form asks for a brief explanation of the Engelhard goals for the course and a plan for the development of the module with a well-being link to the curricular content of the course.